Top tips on makeup for photographs
How to do your makeup to look your best in photographs Makeup for photographs is a little different than makeup for the gaze of real life. Follow these tips below to create the perfect, simple makeup look for selfies and headshots. Why makeup for photographs? Having makeup suited for photographs is great for perfect Often photos can leave you looking a little different than you do in real life. Perhaps a little washed out especially if a flash is used. Have you checked out my previous post on how to take the perfect selfie and now want the makeup to match? Then read on. How to do your makeup for…
How to take great selfies
How to take great selfies is important to show off your amazing makeup! How to take great photos of your makeup When you have spent hours creating a fun, beautiful and creative makeup look you want to be able to capture it the best you can. Following these tips on how to take great selfies will help you create the best shots of your makeup to really show off your skills. Look your best When creating don’t be afraid to go bold with your makeup as the camera can wash you out. Check out this article for the best makeup for photography. If it works with the makeup look, smile!…