• red nails with Minnie and Mickey mouse stickers
    Nail Art

    How to paint your nails

    How to paint your nails to create a beautiful manicured look. Painting your nails can be a fun and unique way to show your personality and add a splash of colour to your look. How to paint your nails-prep The first step to painting your nails is to have healthy nails. A nail care routine is important for both nail health and nail growth. Next, immediately before painting your nails, you need to prep them. Remove any previously applied nail polish (details below) Wash your hands well and clean your nails. Use a scrub to tackle dry skin. Dry hands carefully and apply moisturiser. Next use a nail file to…

  • nails with a coat of Everything Taco
    Nail Art

    How to help your nails grow

    Top tips for healthy nails Perhaps you set yourself a New Year’s resolution to grow your nails or perhaps you just want nice, neat looking hands. I’m always trying to grow my nails so they look nice, neat and perfect for nail art. My life is very hands on so I rely on a frequent nail care routine to protect them! Top tips to help your nails grow There we are-my top tips to help your nails grow! What do you find helps your hands? Share with us in the comments! Cheats guide to make your nails grow Quick fire pointers for your pointers. For more information scroll up!

  • a hand holding neon polish against a white background
    Nail Art

    Nail Polish: Best top coats and base coats

    My recommendations for the best manicures Top coats and base coats are key to a great manicure. Even the fanciest polish wont last without a top coat or look right if not prepared with the correct base. Find below my favourite-and also least favourite-top coats and base coats for nail polish which I will update regularly as I use new products. Also feel free to share your favourites or products you would like me to trial in the comments below! Top coat nail polish Top coat is designed to be worn over nail polish to protect the polish and any nail art etc. You can wear these straight over nails…