A close up of pumpkin inspired makeup with orange tones and black lips
Creative Makeup

How to take great selfies

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How to take great selfies is important to show off your amazing makeup!

How to take great photos of your makeup

When you have spent hours creating a fun, beautiful and creative makeup look you want to be able to capture it the best you can. Following these tips on how to take great selfies will help you create the best shots of your makeup to really show off your skills.

Look your best

When creating don’t be afraid to go bold with your makeup as the camera can wash you out. Check out this article for the best makeup for photography.

If it works with the makeup look, smile! it suits you! 

Look straight at the camera to connect with the viewer

Try different angles and poses to see if you can find “your angle” 

Universally flattering angles tend to tilt the camera down slightly from above, facing forwards or very slightly turned to the side.

Always have good posture and (fake) some confidence!

Think photographer

Lighting is the most important thing, make sure it is in front of you to avoid shadows. This is where ring lights either as a phone stand or phone clip are perfect.

Follow the rules of composition when creating photos. So that’s the rule of thirds, creating interesting shapes, filling the frame and more.

Try burst photos, particularly when trying to take photos by yourself this is very important to whittle it down to the best shots.

Add some intrigue and interest to shots with props and clothing.

Remember to check what is in the background of your shots. Is there anything visible that shouldn’t be? Or a messy background which detracts from the image?

Professional makeup artist with an interest in natural, complimentary makeup but also fun makeup designs and nail art too! Life is too short to be stuck with trends that don't suit you!

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