a portrait of Alex Abbotts

Beauty Resolutions for 2024

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Fresh start for a new year

Beauty Resolutions to help you feel your best in 2024.

I love the fresh start of New Year and the impetus to start new routines and make improvements.

Top tip for Beauty Resolutions

Aim for small steps not large leaps. This way you are less likely to fall!

The most important thing I find is to remember to make sensible changes. This means not expecting yourself to change and become someone you aren’t. Small steps and changes are more likely to take you in the direction you want to go rather than making huge changes you will never keep up.

What makes good beauty resolutions?

A good resolution is something small, or something you can break down into small steps. Resolutions that improve your mental and physical health are ideal as this will boost your happiness in life. But only make changes to your life if you want to not because you think you should or to be like someone else. Also you can make changes at any time. The date, day or time doesn’t matter!

My resolution-Buy Less, Use More

This year I have decided to try and buy less and use more.

Accountability can help you achieve beauty resolutions. I have set myself up a challenge on Instagram and ways of recording my efforts.

I want to try out products I already have and not waste products, as well as saving money and space by not adding to the collection. However after seeing others on ‘No Spend’ challenges buckling and buying more (much like yo-yo dieting) I have decided by “buying less” I will probably spend less than the bust and boom of spending bans. This is how it is a little step rather than a large leap.

Top Healthy and Fun Beauty Resolution Ideas

  • Improving Nail care routine-such as getting into the habit of using cuticle oils or other products to improve nail care or help nails grow
  • Improving Skin care routine-again such as switching up products, finding a better routine or tackling particular health issues. 
  • Product purge-finding products you don’t use or have gone past their best and ridding them from your collection
  • Panning-similar to purging but by using products one by one until you hit ‘pan’ (the metal under the product)
  • Trying new techniques/looks-for example trying looks you have seen online especially if you enjoy a creative output and challenge
  • Changing your look-do you have signature look? It can be fun to try something new and you might find something else you like!
  • Improving techniques/skills-whether its by buying a book on nail art or make up or by researching key techniques on the internet  
  • Buying better quality make up and/or skin care
  • Making sure all new purchases are vegan and cruelty free (these are actually two different requirements for brands)
  • Investing in better tools and equipment-I’ll be sharing some of my favourites in the coming weeks such as my brush collection and the January sales are a great time to go up a level to something perhaps normally out of your price bracket.

Has this list inspired you to set a beauty resolution this year? If so let me know in the comments!

Professional makeup artist with an interest in natural, complimentary makeup but also fun makeup designs and nail art too! Life is too short to be stuck with trends that don't suit you!